QSO by Date

Contact during 18 Feb 2014

18 Feb 14PY2YWGG66kuBrazilPSK3110m28.121491
18 Feb 14YY5LAYFK60pdVenezuelaPSK3110m28.120988
18 Feb 14YY5LAYFK60PDVenezuelaPSK3110m28.121000
18 Feb 14AI8FEM74huUnited States of AmericaPSK6310m28.122681
18 Feb 14AI8FEM74HUUnited States of AmericaPSK6310m28.122700
18 Feb 14EA3FHPJN11dwSpainPSK3110m28.122241
18 Feb 14KJ4IZWEM93dmUnited States of AmericaPSK3180m3.581052
18 Feb 14W5LACEM51hhUnited States of AmericaPSK3180m3.581054
18 Feb 14W5LACEM51HHUnited States of AmericaPSK3180m3.581050
18 Feb 14KD0FIP/QRPEM17United States of AmericaPSK3180m3.581053
18 Feb 14KD0FIPEM17United States of AmericaPSK3180m3.581050
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